Society no longer employ hours staring at a computer screen after work or class; instead, they use their mobile devices to stay online all the time

Recently during a Digital literacy training organized by WOUGNET in partnership with netLabs!UG and NURIN, One of the participants Ms. Akec Naume from Atopi market says, “this Internet has turned our existence upside down. It has revolutionized communications, to the extent that it is now our preferred medium of everyday communication. In almost everything we do; we use this cyberspace. sharing moments with friends, sending a picture over instant messaging. Before this Internet, if you wanted to keep up with the news, you had to tune to your Radio but today a click or two is enough to read your local, national and international articles from anywhere in the world, updated up to the minute”.

A teacher at Apac technical school Ms. Martha says, “The Internet has clearly impacted all levels of education by providing unbounded possibilities for learning. I believe the future of education is a networked future. People can use the Internet to create and share knowledge and develop new ways of teaching and learning that captivate and stimulate students’ imagination at anytime, anywhere, using any device. By connecting and empowering students and educators, we can speed up economic growth and enhance the well-being of society throughout the world. We should work together, over this network, to build the global learning society”.

“Access to better market information, delivered on mobile devices is now helping us farmers to obtain higher prices for our farm harvests and also easy access to accurate real-time data on weather, pest and diseases, from remote sensing”, said Jimmy Okello from Bed-Igen farmers group.

Rural Community Broadband Network was established in Apac District in 2023 by government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and innovations fund, it has 12 network sites which are Bed-Igen women’s group in Awiri, Apac Secondary School, Atopi Primary School, Maruzi Seed Secondary School, Apac Technical School, St Albert Technical Institute, Apac District Headquarters, Apac main Hospital, Atopi market, KIC office and Nicho poto studio

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