NURIN Secures Grant to Enhance the Reliability and Adoption of the Rural Community Broadband Network in Apac District.

On 15th May 2024, the Northern Uganda resilience Innovation Network (NURIN) signed a grant agreement with the Internet Society, for a $19,985.00 USD grant, this is intended to support Enhancing the Reliability and Adoption of the Rural Community Broadband Network in Apac district, Northern Uganda.

According to the agreement, Internet Society seeks to support Northern Uganda Resilience Innovation Network in furtherance of Internet Society’s mission of an open and secure Internet for everyone.

This project aims to expand and enhance the reliability and sustainability of the Rural Community Broadband Network that was established in Apac District, Northern Uganda, in 2023 and grow it from 12 to 13 members by adding an ICT hub. In partnership with that will offer technical support, the project will also deploy a solar power source at the hub to run the network’s central equipment and keep the network available even when the grid power is off.

About Northern Uganda Resilience Innovation Network (NURIN)
Northern Uganda Resilience Innovation Network (NURIN) is a Non-Profit Organization with aims of enhancing the role of science, technology and innovation in serving developmental needs of Northern Uganda by promoting information, sports, research and innovation relevant to the needs of communities in Northern Uganda.

About netLabs!UG

netLabs!UG is an alternative Research and Development (R&D) model which will strive to achieve a balanced critical mass of basic research, applied research and commercialisation. As the world of technology enters the next transformative stage with the Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Intelligence (AugI) and a new Internet based on elastic network to complement the elastic compute that already exists, it is essential that Uganda maintains an R&D centre that supports academic development and assists commercial interests.

About the Internet Society
Internet Society (ISOC) is a non-profit organization, trusted as the world’s independent source of leadership for Internet policy, technology standards, and future development, ISOC works to ensure Internet continues to grow and evolve as a platform for innovation, economic development, and social progress for people around the world.

The project will target deploying a solar power source at the hub to run the network’s central equipment, expand the RCBN by connecting one more partner, an ICT training center, that will train members of the community. Deploy a knowledge portal on an existing server at the hub and also develop an IoT application for agriculture.

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